❤ September Google System Updates: FIDO2 PIN support and more



As part of the September 2023 Google System Updates, Android is set to gain better support for using a PIN with the FIDO2 security standard, among other improvements.

While most of the flashier changes for our smartphones often arrive as part of annual Android OS updates or quarterly QPRs or Feature Drops, Google is constantly rolling out improvements and new features through the Play Store. These range from “Play System updates” that affect core OS components to updates for apps like Play Services, the Play Store, and more. The company collectively refers to these as the “Google System.”

Each month, Google publishes (and gradually extends) a list of changes included in that month’s updates. We’ll do our best to keep an eye on these changes and explain the most important ones here. So be sure to check back throughout September.

The easiest way to check whether you need to update Google Play Services on your phone is to follow a direct link to the app’s Play Store listing and update from there, if available. To update the Play Store, tap your avatar in the corner, then “Settings.” Under the “About” section, you’ll see an option to “Update Play Store.” Meanwhile, Google Play system updates can be found through the Settings app, under About phone > Android version > Google Play system update.

Updating Google Play Services















In the first wave of updates for September 2023, Google has shared that Android’s support for the FIDO2 security standard is getting updated this month. While FIDO2 (often taking the form of a Titan/Yubikey security key) was originally most commonly used for two-factor authentication alongside a password, the tech industry’s recent push for “passkeys” (passwordless login) has made FIDO2 far more prevalent.

With that increased usage comes a need for increased security, and one such solution is to add a PIN to protect your passkey against theft. In the coming weeks, Android is set to support this “Pin Protocol,” but it’s unclear what precisely this will mean.

One explanation is that Android will natively support entering the necessary PIN for a connected FIDO2 security key. Alternatively, since Android 7+ phones can themselves serve as a FIDO2 key, it’s possible this means you’ll be able to add an extra layer of security by requiring a PIN. We’ll likely learn more once Google Play Services version 23.35 rolls out.

Meanwhile, in the same update, Google Wallet is set to gain some minor improvements, including “new email preference settings.” Google Wallet users in Japan should also soon notice a “better card management” experience.

On the Play Store side of things, Google is introducing “a new settings page” that simplifies “survey choices.”

Google Play Store

  • [Phone] A new settings page makes it simpler for you to manage your survey choices and preferences.

Security & Privacy

  • [Phone] Adding Pin Protocol support for Fido2 on Android Platform.


  • [Phone] New email preference settings in Wallet.
  • [Phone] This feature enables better card management in Japan.

System Management

  • [Auto, PC, Phone, TV, Wear] Updates to system management services that improve Network Usage and Privacy.
  • [Phone] Changed terms of service for auto updates in setup screen.